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Roger Teale

Managing Director - Lautaret

Roger Teale (MMgt) has over 25 years of senior executive leadership and management experience in the property and construction industry in Australia. His experience includes managing client and stakeholder relationships in both public and private sectors collaborating with government stakeholders on large scale development and infrastructure projects within Victoria across State and Local Governments.

Roger previously worked at Lendlease within the property and construction businesses for 12 years leading origination and new business development.  He also led the government engagement for Lendlease Group in Victoria.  Key departments include Premier and Cabinet, Treasury and Finance, Infrastructure, Planning and Housing, Priority Precincts, Education, Health and Justice.

Having been appointed to a number of Victorian government advisory committees and boards: lead chair of ‘Rebuilding Victoria's Recovery Taskforce’, ‘Ministerial Advisory Committee on Planning Mechanisms for Affordable Housing’, ‘Victorian Aboriginal Economic Board’, ‘Building Industry Consultative Council’, Roger has consulted government to deliver successful planning proposals and state-wide building and construction strategies. 

Roger has also been an active participant in a number of property and construction industry organisations over the past 15 years including past-president and board member of the ‘Property Council of Victoria’, as well as a founding member of the ‘Committee for Melbourne’.

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